Monday, July 21, 2008

Mahatbala's House

Mahatbala's House

[I wrote this story when I was in class IV-A. It was 12.3.98]
(My mother's name is Suhasini, which explains why the main character has that name)

Today in evening Suhasini
and her friends went to the
park. They didn't no whats the
weather here. They see a house.
Then the rain is start heavily.
Suhasini said oh! common let's
go in the house. But the door
is lock. Some girls try to open
the door but the door is not
pulled inside.
[next page]
Then the rain is stop.
At night they were feeling
cold. They think, where is
this house's key. Suhasini
said, there is a key. All
girls said, where? Suhasini
took the key and said here is the
[picture of a pair of keys, see image]

The most beautiful thing about the story is its title. It doesn't appear anywhere in the story (I really like this concept of giving a piece a title which is never mentioned in the text). I don't even remember whether I intended to end the story here or not. Besides, I am curious how I came up with the name Mahatbala...


krithika said...

Hey Sarthak

Thats a great, original masterpiece of yours.It acquires more realism after seeing those three sheets that have been preserved over the years as images. It is another step closer to seeing you unwind, looking back at all your endeavours, although in descending order. Actually, it'd be in descending order only if we followed the blog entries from the beginning. It reminds all of us of our younger days. Cheers to 'Mahatbala's House'. I was wondering if someone read out Mahabhaarath to you and you liked a modified version of the word?!
Great going!

sarthak said...

Thanks a lot. I am really attached to this piece.
As for Mahabharata..HOW do you know?
That is the only conceivable explanation I could ever think of, but one which I still don't find qualified enough to wonder aloud in the public.

Alas, the chronological order of my pieces got wrecked by the latest piece which I have posted now, which takes you forward to class 8th...the time also wrote the sequel to the Zoo poem.

Dharmaj said...

It is a nice story, from the relevant point of view.

But I think the images you posted could be better. You can download picasa 2 from google, there is an option there to auto correct the image. That will enable us to see you original manuscript in its full glory.

Abhishek said...

hey, you look like an archaeologist digging in to find some poetic notes underneath. Anyway, nice work.