Monday, July 21, 2008

Juggling Notes

Juggling Notes 0:(24th July 2008)

This is a new video. Here I juggle the 3 faithful balls to continuous under-the-legs, behind-the-backs, besides showing different styles of starting the juggles. Count the different styles of juggling I show and post it as comment. The correct number-giver will be mentioned in my blog!
[I hope Juggling Notes -1 will bring something completely new and different!]

Juggling Notes 1:(10th July 2008)

Here I juggle 3 balls (one ITF ball, one Wilson ball, and one local tennis ball). I just do the simple 3-ball pattern.
Juggling Notes 2:(10th July 2008)

I do 3 different types of juggling : one from the previous video (where I use both the hands tossing balls up); one more type where I toss the ball in the air using only one hand (right hand); and a third type where I bring up the ball from under my leg.
Juggling Notes 3:(10th July 2008)

Now here I try some other kinds of juggling patterns. I try to bring up the ball from behind my back (I don't succeed, not until the next video :-)); then I start the juggling by tossing up two balls in the air together; besides many other things, I also try juggling two balls with one hand and then passing them on to the other hand. In between, my mum comes and breaks my concentration, twice.
I mess up a lot here, but only for want of trying new things out.
Juggling Notes 4:(10th July 2008)

Here I just do behind-the-back ball toss-ups again and again.
Although my T-shirt proclaims its views on legalizing a banned substance, I don't necessarily hold the same views...
Juggling Notes 5:(21st July 2008)

I want to juggle two tennis balls and a mini-basketball. I am going to start juggling when suddenly comrade Manan Soni rings up and I have to go answer his call.
Juggling Notes 6:(21st July 2008)

(No, I am wearing really teeny-weeny shorts, they are just not clearly visible.)
So, my mum gives me a pair of really puny shorts to wear, under a defiantly over-sized T-shirt. I pull 'em up more, because I realise that under-the-legs are going to be so much more easier. Here we go again, with two tennis balls and one mini-basketball. Near the end, I really do some fabulous random juggling; even I am not sure how I managed that.
Juggling Notes 7:(21st July 2008)

Now I pull down my shorts, like a foot down. I still do the two-ball one-basketball juggle, and I continue to go random and all. In fact, I even try the behind-the-back this time.

I strongly recommend you all to visit this site. This is where I got the excitement, and learnt the technique of juggling.


Dharmaj said...

Super yaar! too cool! Did you show it to our other IISER friends ?

Vinayak Sapru said...

I think your work on the dynamics of ball juggling may well be worthy of an ignobel... or at least a few comments on the blog ;).

an opinion said...

the juggler...

man, you really juggle your thoughts with panache.

the variety of posts is amazing. one can only scratch his head in bewilderment.

now, about the tiny shorts. darkness played mischief and the tee was way too enveloping and lengthy.

I myself am curious now to learn some tricks of this trade. how could you juggle above, behind and below??


Abhishek said...

yaar when r u updating ur blog???
long tym man

Anonymous said...

hey really nice!
you do look like PRO out there!
how long have you been practicing this till you got it so perfect?